Navigating through Post matric challenges

What to do if you missed university admissions, and late applications for 2024 aren't yielding results.

By Selloane Ntlatlapo

The importance of an aptitude test

In the midst of exploring alternative paths, it's crucial to consider taking an aptitude test. An aptitude test is a standardised assessment designed to measure your natural ability to perform specific tasks or respond to different situations. These tests evaluate your inherent strengths, weaknesses, and preferences, helping you make more informed decisions about your career path.

Why Take an Aptitude Test?

● Self-Discovery: Aptitude tests can provide valuable insights into your natural abilities and inclinations, helping you discover areas where you excel.

● Informed Decision-Making: Understanding your aptitudes can guide you in choosing a career path that aligns with your strengths, increasing the likelihood of long-term satisfaction and success.

● Career Matching: Many aptitude tests are designed to match your abilities with specific career fields, helping you identify professions that play to your strengths.

● Personal Growth: Knowing your aptitudes allows you to focus on personal and professional development, enhancing your skills in areas that matter most to your chosen path.

How to Take an Aptitude Test?

● Online Resources: There are numerous online platforms offering aptitude tests. Some are general, while others are tailored to specific industries or career paths. To start an aptitude test, go to the HMU "careers advice tab".

Embracing Your Unique Journey
It's crucial to remember that success is not defined by a singular path. Each individual has a unique journey, and success can be achieved through diverse routes. While university education is valuable, it's not the only measure of accomplishment. Embrace the possibilities that alternative paths offer and approach your future with an open mind.
Seeking Guidance and Support
If you find yourself uncertain about which path to take, consider seeking guidance from career counsellors, mentors, or professionals in your chosen field. They can provide valuable insights and help you navigate the array of options available. Search terms: "career guidance for matriculants," "mentorship for school leavers." There are several websites that provide valuable information and resources for matriculants exploring alternative paths to traditional higher education. Here are some recommended sites where they can gather information:

1. CareerJunction:


● CareerJunction offers a variety of resources, including job listings, career advice, and information on vocational training programs.

2. SkillsPortal:


● SkillsPortal provides insights into skills development, training courses, and various career paths beyond traditional university education.

3. Youth Village:


● Youth Village caters to the youth demographic and covers a range of topics, including career advice, education alternatives, and entrepreneurial opportunities. 

4. MyFuture:


● While based in Australia, MyFuture offers a comprehensive career exploration platform with aptitude tests and information on various career paths that can be relevant globally.

5. Go Study:


● Go Study provides information on different study options, including vocational training, apprenticeships, and alternative education paths.

6. eSkills:


● eSkills focuses on digital skills development and offers insights into technology-related careers and training programs.

7. Indeed:


●Indeed is a popular job search platform that also provides information on internships, apprenticeships, and entry-level positions suitable for school leavers.

8. Coursera:


● Coursera offers online courses from universities and organisations worldwide, providing an alternative to traditional classroom-based education.

9. LinkedIn Learning:


● LinkedIn Learning offers a variety of online courses covering professional and technical skills, suitable for those exploring alternative education options.

10. National Youth Development Agency (NYDA):

● Website:  

● The NYDA provides information on youth development initiatives, including skills development and entrepreneurship opportunities.

Remember to explore these websites to find information that aligns with your interests and goals. Additionally, local career counselling services and community organisations may also offer valuable insights and support.

Always remember... Your Journey, Your Success!

To the matriculants who didn't secure a university spot, know that your journey is far from over. Success awaits you on various roads less travelled. Embrace the uniqueness of your path, explore alternative options, and remember that your potential for success is boundless. The class of 2023 has proven its resilience and capability, and the world is ready to witness the extraordinary achievements that lie ahead. Your success story is waiting to be written—start your journey today.

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