National Benchmark Test
The National Benchmark Tests are tests, run by Universities South Africa, that measure an individual’s readiness for university level education. Some universities use the NBTs together with the National Senior Certificate to grant access to their institutions. Other universities use the NBTs to determine what kind of academic support a student may need once accepted.
There are 2 tests:
Academic Literacy and Quantitative Literacy (AQL) - 3 hours long, written in the morning
Example Questions: Click here
Mathematics (MAT) - 3 hours long, written in the afternoon
Example Questions: Click here
Note: Both tests are available in English and Afrikaans. The AQL is also available in Braille.
You can write the AQL test only or the AQL and the MAT test however you cannot write the MAT test only. Whether you should write the AQL test only or the AQL and the MAT test will be determined by the university and faculty you apply to.
AQL only: R175
AQL and MAT: R350
Re-mark: R250
Check with the university you applied to if you need to write the NBTs. If yes, check which tests you need to write (AQL only or AQL and MAT).
Register on
and click “Book a Test”.
You need your ID and a unique email address to register.
You pay via EasyPay using one of the following 2 options...
Pay online via the EasyPay website: Print receipt as proof of payment
EasyPay Paypoints: Take your registration letter with you to pay and keep receipt as proof of payment.
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What you need on test day:
- ID Book/Smartcard
- Pencil and eraser
- Water and lunch if you are writing both AQL and MAT
Note: NO calculator, ruler, smart phone, smart watch, notebook or learning aid is allowed.
Individuals with disabilities:
Provisions are made for learners with disabilities. The NBT Project has previously accommodated individuals who are:
Visually impaired
Hearing impaired
Mobility/physically impaired
Have any specific learning disability (i.e. dyslexia, extra time, need a scribe)
Have any chronic illness which require special accommodations
To find out more about the provisions made and how to apply for them please click here.
*Please note that medical documentation of your disability is needed to apply for disability related provisions.
Test Dates: Click here for test dates.
Test venues are also found on the NBT website.