Dj 1D 2

Wandile 'Dj 1D' mvula

Marketing Specialist, DJ and Music Producer
DJ 1D grew up in Klerksdorp, in the North West. He completed his masters in marketing from the University of Cape Town in 2019. He's currently employed as a marketing specialist and, driven by his love for music, is a DJ and a music producer. DJ 1D's album, Colours, was released in 2020 and has a couple of other singles. 
How old were you when you decided to pursue your current career path and what inspired you? Currently my story is still being written. Academically I’m a marketing specialist in the insurance industry and musically I am a dj and a producer. What lead me to become a marketer is the vast diversity we have in South Africa and all I wanted to achieve was to find new innovative ways to speak to the South African market segment. My journey in the music industry started in Grade 8. I have always been around people who loved music and that sparked in me from a young age, to want to be in the music industry somehow.

Did you ever get help with career guidance? Any mentor(s) & what role did they play? Yes I did. They shaped my thinking and showed me how I can actualise my dreams to reality. I learned a lot of lessons from them and the biggest one that they all taught me is to trust in my gifts.

What challenges did you face (or are facing) / had to overcome in your journey? The biggest challenge is self-doubt. Feeling like you are in big stages of this journey and feeling like you're not good enough to be given this opportunity. This is where self-discipline and resilience will remind me that I am here for a reason and I am worthy.

What has been your biggest driver/motivator? My spirituality.

What key learning points from your journey would you like people to take on theirs? Pray and believe that you are special in your own path and that's the reason you exist.

Any advice for a young person from a rural area / township who currently has no clue where to even start when choosing a career path? There’s no formula. Just start. Believe in your gifts.