Ms Potsane grew up in Katlehong, where she completed her primary and high schooling. She completed her LLB at UNISA and is currently doing her 1-year long training called pupillage at the Johannesburg Bar, working towards being an advocate of the high court.
How old were you when you decided to pursue your current career path and what inspired you?
I was about 21 when I decided to pursue my current career path.
Did you ever get help with career guidance? Any mentor(s) & what role did they play?Unfortunately no, had I received career guidance earlier I would not have studied Mining Engineering before changing to Law.
What challenges did you face (or are facing) / had to overcome in your journey?
I studied through UNISA (a correspondence/long distance institution). It was not easy for me to obtain my Law Degree without ever having a face-to-face interaction with my lecturers. I had to rely solely on the material prescribed and self discipline.
What has been your biggest driver/motivator?
My biggest drive at the moment is knowing that once I fully qualify as a Legal Practitioner, I can take law education back to the townships/rurals where I believe it is still much needed.
As I’ve mentioned before, I am currently doing my pupillage which a 1-year long training where you get mentored by an advocate. An interesting and demanding path I must say, but the ongoing learning with each matter that comes through is what keeps me going.
What advice or key learning points from your journey would you like people to take on to theirs?
No matter the age, it is never too late to start anew at anything.
Any advice for a young person from a rural area / township who currently has no clue where to even start when choosing a career path?
I know they are big on using social media. You see a Doctor on Facebook? Don’t be afraid to send them a direct message. Find out what their job entails and ask as many questions as possible then give yourself time to think if it is indeed what you want to do. Be honest to yourself, find a path that suits your interests and do not allow other people to live their dreams through you. Also, if an opportunity to see a career counselor presents itself, take it!