Mr Ramochela is a passionate, retired teacher who is for learners and education. He was born and bred in Katlehong. He completed his primary and high schooling in the same township, and went further to complete his Teachers’ diploma in 1984, obtained a BA degree in 1994, and further went on to study at Wits School of Education for mathematical literacy course between 2008 - 2010..
Mr Ramochela taught at Mpontsheng Secondary School in Katlehong from 1987 and went on to be the deputy principal at the same school until his retirement in February 2019.
How old were you when you decided to pursue your current career path and what inspired you?
I was 28 years old, and I was inspired by my late mother (MHSRIP) and my elder brother. My late mother told me that there is nothing to leave for me behind, then went on to say that I should study and be a responsible man in future.
Did you ever get any help with career guidance? Any mentors and what role did they play?
Unfortunately I did not get any help with career guidance. The then open career paths in our time were being a police officer, a clerk, a teacher, or a priest. No mentors were available back then. However, after the passing on of our mother, my brother stepped up and took over the brotherly responsibility. I always looked up to him for motivation and when the going got tough he always he egged me to keep going on.
What challenges did you face (or are facing) / had to overcome in your journey?
Finances were a major problem. Group Areas Act restricted the freedom of movement for Black people. Living also at a relative's place had a negative impact on my life.
What has been your biggest driver/motivation?
The fear of failure. Most importantly, I believed in the following dictum, ‘everything you can imagine is real’.
What advice or key learning points from your journey would you like people to take on to theirs?
Education is a societal priority. The only place where SUCCESS comes before WORK is in the dictionary. Have a blueprint in life and follow it. Stop comparing yourself with the next person for you are unique.
Any advice for a young person from a rural area / township who currently has no clue where to even start when choosing a career path?
Choose a scarce skills career. Be ICT literate in order to be in line with the 4th Industrial Revolution.